November 18, 2016
February 14, 2017
The week of 8th to 15th of January, Gaba church hosted a missions week with over 100 leaders from the countries of Uganda, Rwanda and DRC Congo.  We cannot help but thank the Lord for the great things he has done through the men and women who served with us here at Gaba and the Lord led them to go and launch ministries that include: churches, development agencies, schools, sponsorship programs, evangelistic ministries and many have responded to the call of serving their countries in politics.
The week was filled with testimonies of God’s provision, miraculous interventions, and faith raising encounters with God. Stephen who began at Gaba working in my home and later began a prayer and deliverance ministry is now in Rwanda and he has established a prayer ministry that ministers to churches, government leaders and businessmen. 
Joseph shared his story of  being kicked out of the church he had planted and how the Lord gave him a breakthrough and now he is an apostolic leader with over 50 churches under his care.
Emmanuel went to Mukono district to serve in our church at Bethany village, the Lord made him to move deeper in the countryside to plant a new church, he was also led by God to get involved in politics to transform society. Today Emmanuel is the district speaker for Mukono district.
Mary and Jedidiah shared their calling to a Moslem suburb of Kampala, the stories of faith, resistance and spiritual warfare were so moving, they talked about the land which they bought and the Muslims had decided to take it away from them and pastor Jedidiah ended being imprisoned for the land that they had already bought.  It was exciting to hear that today the land is where the church is located and they have no case whatsoever. 
 I am reminded of the great missionary Hudson Taylor who said:
‘’ The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.”
The testimonies were so many and I cannot even cover a fraction of the great things the Lord has done but let me share on more and this from Bishop Nathan Rusengo. Nathan who grew up in Kabale western Uganda, went to Glad Tidings Bible College and he joined Gaba in the 90s as one of our ministers. 
 After the Rwanda civil war, Nathan felt a clear call to go and serve that land, he did not know where to start but after a season of prayer the Lord instructed him to go and through His leading he ended up being called to serve in the Anglican Church. This was a major step in his life because he had grown in an independent church and yet the Lord was calling him to the mainline church, where he had to begin from scratch.  He ended serving under the arch bishop who is the highest ranking official in the church, today Nathan is the Anglican Bishop of Changugu in the South West region of Rwanda.
The week had several highlights that impacted our guests and us who hosted them. The leaders who came got to meet the friends that they served with long time ago and this ended being a time of reconnection and fellowship. Many of our leaders had been going through a season of burnout and these meetings were times of healing and refreshment.  The interactive forum was so helpful in getting everyone participate and share experiences and as well as their present journey in ministry.

Today what began as a small church in the fishing village of Gaba with 15 people almost 30 years ago, has now become a network of hundreds of life giving churches all over the East African region, it has become a movement of men and women who are passionate about the transformation of this region.  To us at Gaba church a vision for the nations has been reactivated after hearing of the great work done through those that we sent out over the years.

As we look to the next 10 years here at Gaba, we are being challenged of Africa beyond our neighboring countries, we are challenged to even see the western world as a mission field also. We are seeing churches planted in every major city in Uganda, at least one church plant in 10 major cities of Africa, 2 churches in Europe and 2 other churches in the USA.

We affirm what the great missionary William Carey once said:
“Expect Great Things from God, attempt Great things for God.”
Happy 2017